Podcast: Developing human skills in contemporary workplaces

Podcast: Humans at Work

How would you answer the question ‘how can we develop human skills in the workplace’?

A few months ago, I had an interesting conversation with Michelle Crawford from ‘Being More Human’ (coincidentally named so like the business of which I was a part for 9 years, ‘Being Human’). As part of her ‘Humans at Work’ podcast series on developing human skills in contemporary workplaces, she asked me that question and many others.

For me the first question is actually What do people need in their toolkit or skillset – new skills, advanced level or skills of different relevance now – and why? How we move to developing what’s needed depends on the answers to those 2 questions.



Want to know more?

We work with clients who know they need to do something differently and either don’t know what that is or where to start. Let’s get started on working that out together.

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