Remember that old TV show Ready Steady Cook? 2 chefs work with someone from the audience who has a bag of ingredients that the chefs have to use to make a meal. Any it wasn’t ever obvious things – it may have been some pineapple, mince and leek or some other random selection.
Let’s not make it easy here! And that is why we watched it – to see what the heck they did with that bag of random ingredients!
Those chefs had 2 minutes to decide what to do to serve something in 20 minutes. Something edible!
There are lots of similarities with that show and navigating the curve balls we are often thrown in life – at work, at home, our communities and other affiliations.
I’m sure those chefs were hoping for something different than what actually showed up in the bags. What always struck me was how seemingly easy it was for them to come up with 3-4 things they would make (not COULD) and then get on with it. They knew their skills, what was in the pantry, the flavour combinations that would work and what would not. They knew their craft and backed themselves.
They know what they wanted to serve – maybe not the actual dish but what they wanted to be known for serving, even if it was ‘experimental’!
When we work from a clear understanding and acceptance of who we are, what we can do (and DO deliver) and visualise the outcome, our brain helps us by saying ‘oh, I get this – I’m on it’. Virtuous cycle, right?
Imagine working from that every day!
Learn more about The One Day… Program.