The Holiday continues…

Change in Practice in Venice

Written by Vicky Emery

October 13, 2022

In my last blog, I mentioned the theme of ‘I am not waiting anymore’!

I have a thing for artisanal businesses. It may be art, natural products or furniture – it doesn’t matter. I love the stories about how they came up with the idea, what they did to make it real and how they have overcome obstacles along the way. I find it inspiring and informative to my work as a change coach and mentor. I get a lot of tips from folks like this! Single-minded, crystal clear on their vision, attentive to the details that will demonstrate their vision, completely committed and responsive to trial and error and feedback.

I want to share a conversation I had with a business owner after I walked into her fascinating and immaculate shop. The business owner was explaining the inspiration behind her exquisite products, the commitment to use ONLY local ingredients that were true to the story of her products, the detailed design of every aspect (packaging, bottles, colours, display) – there was not ONE THING that did not suit or tell the story. I got it in two seconds. I wanted to buy everything! I wanted to actually be part of that story.

So, what am I sharing here, as we all explore what we want to be known for or proud of?

The intangibles that are just so critical:

  • Passion – unwavering and deeply committed. Scary sometimes – it is a driver in and of itself. It can be the quiet achiever approach or the loud and proud kind but my goodness is it compelling! It draws us in.
  • Self-belief – in the vision you have created and are bringing to the world. Back yourself up and hang out with those that will help you achieve it, not those who hope you don’t.
  • Willingness to adapt – seek feedback to improve and bring your product alive in a way that captures people.
  • Sense of belonging – creating something that other people want to be part of or ‘have’ part of…even if it is just a start for them

And now I am off to explore on our last day in Italy – we fly to Dublin tomorrow…

With my ‘One Day…’ program, I’ll teach you how to find YOUR true purpose, click for more!

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